East Beach Community Organizations

East Beaches Regional Complex Inc. (Living360)

Living360 logo
is the vision of East Beaches Regional Complex Inc. for the East Beaches community of Manitoba..

The Living360 vision, through Wellness, Lifestyle and Recreation, is a promise to develop projects to provide the East Beaches community with health security, quality of life support along with a centre for their social lives.


Box 330, Grand Marais, MB R0E 0T0



Grand Beach And Area Development Corporation

GBADC logo

The Grand Beach & Area Development Corporation is a body of concerned citizens, both corporate and private, from the Grand Beach, Grand Marais and surrounding East Beaches area who are determined to improve the quality of life and increase opportunities through responsible economic development and preservation of our natural and cultural resources and heritage.

Box 279, Grand Marais, MB R0E 0T0

About GBADC...


Grand Beach Cottage Owner's Association

6 Grand Beach Road, Grand Beach



Grand Marais District Senior Citizens

90 Matilda Ave., Grand Marais


Grand Marais Family Festival



Grand Marais Recreational Association

90 Matilda Ave., Grand Marais
Follow us on Facebook: Grand Marais Recreation Centre

Table & Hall Rental Information:
Kathy @ 204-471-6764


Lake Winnipeg Foundation

LWF is an environmental non-governmental organization (ENGO) seeking solutions to ensure a clean, healthy Lake Winnipeg and watershed now and for future generations.



Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF)
Southeast Region office

56 Park Avenue
Box 13, Grand Marais, Mb.  R0E 0T0


Senior Scene

3 Ateah Road, Victoria Beach



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